First Round Auditions will take place at Jo Ann Caines Theatre @ La Cumbre Junior High School by on NOVEMBER 21ST, 25TH, 26TH & DECEMBER 2ND & 3RD 3:45PM-6PM by appointment.
For audition appointments or more info please call/ text us at 805 708-8897 or email us at [email protected] for an appointment.
For Auditions please bring a poem or monologue and a song. Please bring sheet music or the MP3 accompaniment version of the song.
1. Bring MP3 or Sheet Music for your song. The song should be memorized.
2. Memorized Poem or Monologue (Suggested Monologues)
3. Filled out Audition Application and the Photo Release.
4. Review the Character Breakdown and use this to select audition song and poem/monologue.
5. Review audition tips.
CALLBACKS/ Second RoundAuditions will take place at Jo Ann Caines Theatre during regular rehearsal hours. We will be dancing so please dress appropriately. (No sandals or flip flops) For the callbacks you will be asked to sing a song or perform a "side" (short selections of dialogue from the script). We will provide sides for the audition.
- Side 1: Archie and Patrice
- Side 2: Patrice and Evan
- Side 3: Archie and Evan
- Side 4: Lucy and Kendra
- Side 5: Brett and Evan
- Side 6: Lucy and Brett
- Side 7: Archie, Patrice and Evan
- Archie: If That’s What it is
- Lucy: Getting Ready (beginning with I’m a Good Girl)
- Patrice: What it Means to be a Friend
Female Songs
Any Minute
Lamest Place In the World
Male Songs
I'm Becoming a Man
Terminal Illness